Written work


Hindi-Urdu wh-scope markers license sluices: a new argument for indirect dependency. In press; Proceedings of FASAL 14 (2024). Submitted version.

Book Reviews

Review of Icelandic Nominalizations and Allosemy (LINGUIST List).

For a full list of my work, see my CV.



Malhaar Shah and Sebastian Mancha. Affix-hopping without affixes hopping: Spanning eliminates the need for T-to-V lowering [slides]
Talk given at LSA Annual Conference, Philadephia.

Alex Chabot, Anna Grabovac, Malhaar Shah. Intensification via gemination: Support for indirect infixation [slides]
Talk given at LSA Annual Conference, Philadephia.


Hindi-Urdu wh-scope marking involves many interpreted A'-chains.
Poster presented at Formal Approaches to South Asian Linguistics 14 (FASAL 14), Stony Brook University, New York.


Malhaar Shah & Veronika Gvozdovaite. Allosemy and complex heads: Architectural issues.
Poster presented at The Fifth CreteLing.

Against quantificational event semantics: Evidence for “late” event binding from argument structure nominalizations and sub-event-relations.
Poster presented at Mid-Atlantic Colloquium for Studies in Meaning (MACSIM), University of Pennsylvania.


LaTeX for syntacticians: an overview document for a workshop at the University of Maryland Language Science Center in January 2024.


During the COVID-19 pandemic, I was President of the Oxford University Linguistics Society. I organized some interviews with linguists and philosophers of language, conducted over Zoom.

Interviews (in alphabetical order):